Antony takes a “mutual” leave of absence from Man Utd amid domestic assault allegations

The Brazilian international Anthony has confirmed that he will not return to the practice session at Carrington. Antony is currently under investigation for alleged domestic violence against his ex-girlfriend Gabriela Cavallin. This decision came as a mutual agreement between the Premier League club and the player, and Manchester United have also released an official statement regarding the ongoing controversy.

Recently, Antony was excluded from the Brazil National team squad ahead of their World Cup qualifier campaign against Bolivia and Peru. Manchester United has previously faced severe backlash in the Mason Greenwood scandal. The club acknowledged the allegations made against their player and didn’t delay in clarifying their stance on the issue.

Antony agrees to leave of absence from Man Utd

On September 10, the English club issued an official statement on their website, confirming Antony’s leave of absence amid the ongoing allegations. The club’s statement said, “As a club, we condemn acts of violence and abuse. We acknowledge the significance of safeguarding all those involved in this situation and recognize the impact these allegations have on survivors of abuse.”

“It has been agreed with Antony that he will delay his return until further notice to address the allegations,” the statement read further.

Subsequently, Antony also made a public announcement of their mutual decision to the fans via social media. The 23-year-old’s decision was to avoid any sort of distraction to his teammates and unnecessary controversy mounting on the club. In his statement, the player stated, “I have agreed with Manchester United to take a period of absence while I address the allegations made against me,”

Antony denies domestic assault allegations made against him

In a recent interview, the Brazilian denied all the serious charges filed against him by the player’s former girlfriend, Gabriela Cavallin, asserting that he has not committed any form of violence. Antony claimed to be fully cooperative with investigatory bodies in their pursuit of the truth and expressed his desire to return to the football pitch as soon as possible.

“I have never attacked and I never will attack. I’m sure I never committed physical violence. Verbal violence … I offended her [Cavallin] and she offended me too. It was on both sides. Physical violence, never.”, Antony said in a recent interview.

The 23-year-old’s situation appears to be deteriorating. In addition to the initial accusation, two more women have recently stepped forward to report incidents of violence against him. Nevertheless, the player has dismissed all the allegations as baseless and maintains his innocence. The investigation into the matter is ongoing in Manchester and Sao Paulo, Brazil.

SZ Desk

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