Conor Benn trades fiery remarks with Josh Taylor ahead of UKAD verdict: “Roid Rage kicking in?”

Conor Benn and Josh Taylor had an abrasive exchange while Benn still needs clearances from UKAD in order to continue his boxing career.

In response to Conor’s vow to hand Josh his second loss, Josh, who had just suffered his first loss in his professional career, agreed to a fight with him at any time, anywhere. 

Connor Benn and Josh Taylor heated exchange

Josh Taylor fought Teofimo Lopez for the WBO World Super-Lightweight Title barely a week ago at Madison Square Garden. Josh failed to successfully defend his 140-pound world title against Lopez. Teofimo was declared the winner of the 12-round fight by unanimous decision. 

As ‘The Tartan Tornado’ suffered a defeat, Conor took the opportunity to mock Taylor in a tweet by saying, “Josh Taylor I’d happily give you your third beating on the spin. Don’t play with me,” 

The Scottish boxer didn’t hold back rather immediately replied to Benn saying, “Must be the roid rage kicking in? Or is that the pregnancy hormones?”

What is UKAD’s verdict on Connor Benn?

Conor was set to face Chris Eubank Jr in his 22nd professional boxing match last October at London’s 02 Arena. The fight was promptly canceled as Conor broke UKAD policy. 

Clomifene, a testosterone-altering medication, was discovered on Benn’s body, forcing him to do another test, but he tested positive both times. This turned out to be a nightmare in Conor’s life over the next few months. 

Charlie Sims, the manager of Conor recently appeared in an interview with the Boxing Social where he expressed how extremely compelling Benn’s case is. The undefeated boxer is still fighting his case and going through the process with the help of his legal team.

Nothing is certain yet but Charlie is hopeful that they will be able to resolve everything in the next few weeks. The manager also stated that his boxer is still pretty much interested in getting back to the ring once everything is clear.

Do you think Conor Benn will eventually collide with Josh Taylor in his return bout? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section. 

Khandaker Muntasir

877 articles

As a passionate UFC enthusiast, Khandaker Muntasir Hossain provides coverage of MMA, wrestling, and boxing on multiple platforms. With his deep knowledge of sports, he immerses readers in the excitement of various arenas, whether it's the octagon, squared circle, pitch, court, or ring. Through his writing and love for sports, he aims to motivate others to explore their own sporting interests and experience the magic that sports bring.


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