Cristiano Ronaldo reveals secret when questioned how he made it to top of world football

Cristiano Ronaldo, in a cheeky interview with livescore, has revealed the secrets behind becoming one of the greatest players ever.

The five times Ballon d’Or winner is highly regarded as one of the best ever. Throughout his career, he has broken numerous records, won multiple titles, and won hearts of millions. He is the most followed person on social media, having over 570 million followers on instagram.

Livescore recently released a video with Cristiano Ronaldo, where the sport site played a game of true or false with the Portuguese superstar. Ronaldo was asked a series of questions, to which he had to answer “true” or “false” by holding a sign that said the relevant answer.

Cristiano Ronaldo

One of the questions asked was whether the statement that Ronaldo got where he is today through hard work was true or false, to which, he smilingly replied: 

“Not only that, talent, bravery, belief, passion, desire and hard work.”

Cristiano Ronaldo is known to be one of the hardest-working athletes in the world. He is truly known for his dedication, talent, passion for victory, and the extensive work he puts into becoming better. Even at the age of 37, Ronaldo maintains a “never give up” attitude, which makes him still one of the world’s greatest footballers.

Cristiano Ronaldo was surprised at the fact that there is a University Degree about him

During the same interview, CR7 was asked whether one can study “the sociology of Cristiano Ronaldo” at a university. Ronaldo responded to the question, stating: ” If not, it doesn’t surprise me. But if yes, it doesn’t surprise me as well.”

Ronaldo then decided the answer to be true, to which, the interviewer confirmed that his answer was correct. Cristiano was taken aback and wanted to know at which university the degree was offered.

Cristiano Ronaldo

The interviewer then verified that the degree was offered at the University of British Columbia in Canada. CR7 wanted to know more about the course and asked what exactly is done at the degree, and the interviewer gave him a brief overview.

You can watch Ronaldo’s full chat with livescore here.

Tanzeem Rahman

255 articles

Tanzeem Rahman is a soccer writer and an editor at SportsZion. Tanzeem's love for the sport began by watching and admiring Cristiano Ronaldo in his early Manchester United days. Having graduated from Germany as an Electrical Engineer, Tanzeem has watched multiple high-profile games throughout Europe from the gallery. His knowledge and enthusiasm for the sport, as well as sublime english proficiency has been an asset to SportsKnot. Outside of his duty, Tanzeem is a gamer, and loves to spend time watching Anime and reading Manga.


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