Ex-UConn, NBA star arrested for allegedly threatening store employees with knife

Former University of Connecticut standout and NBA player, Ben Gordon, made headlines recently for all the wrong reasons. The ex-Chicago Bulls guard was arrested on weapons and threatening charges after behaving erratically in a Connecticut juice shop.

He allegedly threatened store employees with a knife. The incident is just the latest in a string of high-profile arrests involving professional athletes.

According to police, the former NBA player was arrested in a Connecticut juice shop for behaving erratically and aggressively. It led to weapons and threatening charges. Employees called 911 after he began wielding a blade in the store.

The police in Stamford, Conn received a call around 9:15 AM, informing them that the former basketball star was acting strangely and aggressively while wielding a blade at a downtown-area Juice Kings store.


When the officers arrived on the scene, they were able to coax the 40-year-old former Chicago Bulls guard out of the store without any incident. However, he became aggressive when they tried to pat him down outside. And it took several officers to subdue him and put him in handcuffs.

After conducting a proper search on Gordon, the police found a folding knife clipped to his front pants pocket. The examination of his bag revealed that he also had a stun gun and a pair of brass knuckles in his possession.

What happened to the NBA star, Ben Gordon?


He was arrested and taken to a local police station. However, due to his erratic and aggressive behavior, he was taken to a nearby hospital for a mental health evaluation. He was later released to a behavioral unit. There his family and friends were ultimately able to calm him down.

After being taken back to police headquarters, where he eventually complied with booking procedures, he was released on a $10,000 bond posted by his family. Gordon faces multiple charges, including weapons and threat-related charges, disorderly conduct, interfering with police, and sixth-degree larceny for allegedly refusing to pay for a glass of juice.

We may never know the exact reasons behind his alleged threatening behavior. But one thing is clear: threatening someone with a weapon is never acceptable. As a society, we have laws in place to protect individuals from harm and ensure that justice is served. 

It is now up to the court to determine the appropriate consequences for Gordon’s actions. Regardless of the outcome, it is important that we continue to condemn violence and prioritize the safety and well-being of our communities.

Maheen Zaib

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