Former Liverpool star Daniel Sturridge reacts after arrest warrant is issued for failing to reward $30,000 for missing dog

Over the years, we have seen many football players get tangled in controversies and court hearings. Former Liverpool striker Daniel Sturridge has now been added to the list, as the forward has an arrest warrant issued against him.

Daniel Sturridge is currently embroiled in a legal battle with music artist Killa Fame over a four-year-old dispute concerning the reward price for the footballer’s missing dog. Sturridge has now spoken about the case, sharing his side of the story and addressing the doubts of all his fans.

Arrest warrant issued against former Liverpool star Daniel Sturridge

In 2019, Daniel Sturridge faced an unfortunate event when the former Liverpool striker was separated from his Pomeranian named Lucci. The English forward promised a reward of $30,000 to anyone who could reunite him with his beloved pet.

A rapper named Foster Washington, known as Killa Fame, has now filed a case against the footballer. The music artist claims that he was the one who found Daniel Sturridge’s dog, but the English international refused to pay him the money.

Daniel Sturridge was supposed to present himself in front of the Los Angeles court, but he failed to do so, resulting in an arrest warrant being issued against him. Washington said that the money could change his family’s life.

“He promised me the money. It’s a substantial amount of money that could change my family’s life. He thinks he is above the law. He thinks that because he’s rich, he doesn’t have to respond to what’s going on. That’s why I had to have the judge issue a warrant, so he has to pay the money,” he said.

Sturridge releases statement over arrest warrant drama

Daniel Sturridge has not kept quiet about the issue; instead, the former footballer has taken to social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, to express his views about the whole situation, including the case and the arrest warrant issued against him.

Sturridge told his fans that he had already paid the said amount to a young boy who found his dog: “The truth is, I personally paid a reward to the young boy who found him. He was delighted with the reward, as were my family and I to get Lucci home. The person seeking payment is not due any money; I already paid the young boy who found Lucci”.

He said that the person claiming the money had nothing to do with the incident. Daniel added that he only got to hear about the case recently, and that is why he failed to appear at the hearing: “I was unaware of the court hearing even taking place. The legal paperwork was sent to the Airbnb property, which we had left within 24 hours of the burglary.”

Daniel Sturridge seems extremely confident about the case, but we still have to wait to hear the final verdict from the Los Angeles court.


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