Former Pistons president Stan Van Gundy expresses fear over daughter dating a coach

Former NBA coach Stan Van Gundy has left his coaching days behind and has fully dedicated his time to broadcasting, but that doesn’t mean he is unfamiliar with the life and challenges of a head coach.

Stan has a history of being around head coaches, as his father and brother both were from the same background. But his mentality about his daughter dating a coach or marrying one is something he is totally not okay with.

Stan Van Gundy worries about his daughter dating a coach

On Thursday, during the UConn-San Diego game, he expressed his thoughts in the form of a joke about his daughter and her dating life based on his own experience as a head coach. His fear over the possibility of his daughter dating a coach comes from the harsh reality that he is aware of what a coach’s lifestyle becomes and how demanding it gets.

Stan said, “I will just tell you, having coached for a long time and seeing what my wife had to go through. I have three daughters. And I would absolutely panic if they were involved with a coach. That is a hard life and I give Andrea Hurley all the credit in the world.”

Stan had been a coach for over four decades, and based on his experiences, he mentioned how challenging it became for his late wife to raise 4 children. Stan said, “A coach sometimes is only as good as his wife, and she is the perfect wife and I thank her for keeping me going as the season has gone up and down.”

Stan Van Gundy daughters: Who are they?

Stan Van Gundy has 4 children: three girls and one boy. The girls are named Shannon, Alison, and Kelly. Shannon is pursuing a different path, as she is an assistant director specialising in diversity at the Stephen M Ross School of Business. Over the years, she has proven herself to be a fair deal by efficiently handling all the responsibilities.

Alison Van Gundy is also a scholar and a successful assistant program manager working at Branches Inc. She has a social science degree and has worked as an assistant teacher before. Kelly Van Gundy, the youngest daughter, is consistently active on social media and is very fond of animals, especially dogs.

Stan Van Gundy's children
Stan Van Gundy’s children

He also has a son, Michael Van Gundy, who is a university graduate and went to the University of Detroit. Stan’s family is really charming, and all of them are very fond of each other.


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