Soccer, a globally watched game, remains immensely popular among fans who appreciate its beauty and tactical brilliance showcased by many talented players.
However, yesterday brought forth shocking news through a viral video, showing the tragic death of a soccer player who was struck by lightning in an open field during a game.
Watch: Soccer player killed by lightning strike during game (Horrific)
Recently, a 35-year-old soccer player in Indonesia, named Septain Raharja, tragically lost his life after being struck by lightning during a match in stormy weather. A viral video has circulated, revealing the heartbreaking incident at Siliwangi Stadium.
Playing for FBI Subang in a friendly match, Raharja collapsed after the sudden lightning strike. Teammates and other players rushed to his aid. However, despite being severely burned but initially alive, Raharja succumbed to his injuries at a local hospital.
خلال مباراة كرة قدم أقيمت في إندونيسيا يوم أمس ضربت صاعقة عنيفة أحد اللاعبين.
— خبرني Khaberni (@khaberni) February 11, 2024
الصاعقة كانت قوية جداً لدرجة أن اللاعب توفي على الفور. #خبرني
Soccer fans react to footage of lightning-caused death
The deadly incident has spread like wildfire over the whole world and many teams have come forward to offer their condolences and take a moment of silence via their social media handles. The fans have also been concerned about the shocking incident and have been expressing their thoughts on X.
While some went on to tell about the unknown information about lightning, others showed concerns and surprise at the odds of him only getting struck by lightning in an open field. Some also questioned the match referees and FIFA, which recently announced the World Cup 2026 schedule, about their role in preventing this incident.
“A lightning strike is extremely powerful. To put it into perspective, the average lightning strike can carry around 30,000 amps of current. This is about 2,000 times more current than what’s typically used in a domestic 120-volt AC outlet,” wrote a fan.
A lightning strike is extremely powerful. To put it into perspective, the average lightning strike can carry around 30,000 amps of current. This is about 2,000 times more current than what's typically used in a domestic 120-volt AC outlet
— Githii (@githii) February 12, 2024
“That left me speechless I mean man wtf what are the odds? It was a direct hit.”
That left me speechsless I mean man wtf what are the odds? It was direct hit
— gastonck7 (@gastonck7) February 11, 2024
“This is the stuff of my nightmares. I lived through the San Francisco “Quake of ‘89” that ended game 3 of the Baseball World Series. Hence, I had an irrational fear of sports natural disasters throughout my entire athletic career,” another fan added.
This is the stuff of my nightmares. I lived through the San Francisco “Quake of ‘89” that ended game 3 of the Baseball World Series.
— Chuks Amajor (@camajor54) February 11, 2024
Hence, I had an irrational fear of sports natural disasters throughout my entire athletic career.
Another user said, “That’s awful and condolences. In my referee days, I always kept an eye on the weather, it’s in the FIFA manual I believe. For exactly this reason. Don’t know if that was possible here or if there was a ref. This video will make its way to FIFA and ref associations everywhere.”
That's awful and condolences.
— Electric_Chowder (@Share43297343) February 11, 2024
In my referee days I always kept an eye on the weather, it's in the FIFA manual I believe. For exactly this reason. Don't know if that was possible here or if there was a ref. This video will make it's way to FIFA and ref associations everywhere.
Although it is not the first time that an athlete has lost his life due to lightning in Indonesia. However, still no measures have been taken by the Indonesian Soccer Board to prevent such tragic incidents.
Do you think is it just ignorance or that these incidents can’t be prevented, considering they are natural calamities? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.