How gorgeous is LeBron James wife? Exploring Savannah James top photoshoots

Savannah James is the queen of King James with whom she walked the aisle in the year 2013. The couple was each other’s high school lovers and had been dating each other ever since. Together they share three children, LeBron “Bronny” James Jr., Bryce Maximus, and Zhuri Nova.

It’s been a married life of a decade; still, the basketball player can’t take his eyes off his beautiful wife. So, let’s measure the depth of Savannah James’ gorgeousness through her top photo-shoot.

Savannah James top photo-shoot and LeBron James’ thirsty comments

Savannah James

Savannah James was born on August 27, 1986, and she is 36 years old. But the diva hasn’t grown in age in terms of her charms and ravishing looks. She is a businesswoman, homemaker, and a fashion icon.

Recently, the lady posted some of her modeling pictures from Milan Fashion Week on her Instagram. She appeared in a Dolce & Gabbana look. The beauty queen rocked her appearance with a black bodysuit made of lace and on top, a puffer jacket. Furthermore, she was accompanied by combat boots and a sparkling black purse that suited her dress.

LeBron James Gushes Over His Wife's Thirst Trap & Jokingly Tells Her To  'Get [Her] A*s Home' | Hot 97

Her NBA star husband was one of her first fans to inundate her comment sections with thirsty remarks. LeBron James wrote, “Ok now you just showing out. Get your ass home now and get what you can’t get in Europe!”

LeBron James Gets Flirty with Wife Savannah in Her Instagram Comments

The four-time NBA Champion’s remark went viral and fired up the internet. Fans loved this rom-com between the power couple and they called them the perfect couple of the century who have every good quality in their relationship including love, affection, and respect.

The spouse of the NBA star can challenge any Victoria Secret’s model in terms of her looks and enticing figure on which LeBron lost his soul. Furthermore, the player’s romantic comments on her photos express the sweet bond they share even after living a married life for a long time.

Golenur Aktar

323 articles

Golenur Aktar is a writer and made her debut in the 'Pen & Paper' industry holding the hands of Sportszion. She ignited her writing craze from Biography articles and now writes about NFL.


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