Jon Moxley leaves wife Renee Paquette far from “thrilled” with latest action while fans plead with Tony Khan for break

All Elite Wrestling is a high-risk sport due to the prevalence of serious injuries. This week, an injury to a notable wrestler has the potential to disrupt everything. During AEW’s Dynamite Grand Slam in New York City, two significant stars were injured, causing widespread concern.

It was evident that the former Shield member sustained an injury towards the end of the AEW International Championship bout, leading to Rey Fenix capturing the championship from him.

Jon Moxley reportedly injured at AEW Grand Slam

Although he was initially reported to be in good health, Jon Moxley apparently suffered a slight concussion while navigating through the crowd. Moxley had originally planned to retain the AEW International Title for himself but changed his strategy during the match, allowing Rey Fenix to win.

Jon Moxley

Concerns arose when Moxley’s bout with Rey Fenix was abruptly shortened. It appeared that Moxley had injured his head during the altercation. Despite not moving much, the referee did not count to three. After a moment of exchanging glances with the ref, Jonathan attempted the move again. However, his pain prevented him from entertaining the audience, leading to Fenix emerging as the winner.

After being observed by the medical staff for some time, the DDT master decided to continue on his own. There is suspicion that he may have suffered a concussion, although this has not been confirmed. David was wounded, although it was reported by Bryan Alvarez of Wrestling Observer that he’d be fine.

Fans ask for break for the former world champion

Concerning Jon’s injury, numerous fans have requested that AEW president Tony Khan remove him from the program for a week, acknowledging the former world champion’s significant contributions to the company when Khan approached him. Rey Fenix was originally scheduled to challenge Jon Moxley for the International Title on the last night of AEW Grand Slam.

Every week, a new crop of challengers has tested Moxley’s previous championship. There was a lot of confusion before last night’s competition. The referee missed counting three, but Fenix survived on the second attempt. However, from backstage, the ex-shield member reassured that he was OK despite what had happened in the ring.

Jon Moxley

Do you believe the seriousness of his condition deserves to give him a rest? Please share what you think.


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