LEGO and Epic Games announced their partnership in April 2023, a step towards creating a child-friendly metaverse. This partnership resulted in the launch of LEGO Fortnite, a survival and crafting game available inside the Fortnite game. This game mode allows the integration of a younger audience into the game, with it being just like the original Fortnite, except in a LEGO world.
The world of Fortnite requires players to use certain materials to progress further in the game. These materials are used for the development of players’ villages and giving them certain upgrades to help defeat other players. Amber, or more specifically, cut amber, is one such material that has various functions.
Detailed Guide: How to get cut amber in LEGO Fortnite?
LEGO Fortnite requires its players to obtain a certain ore called rough amber at some point in the game. This ore is then refined to get cut amber, but is a little difficult to obtain. Rough amber is found in a certain desert biome known as the “dry valley.” What adds to its difficulty in obtaining it is that only an “Uncommon Pickaxe” or better can be used to harvest it. It is only found on cliffs high above the desert, and a player can only reach them by using wood to make stairs or through nearby geysers.
Now, cut amber serves such importance in the world of LEGO Fortnite that even the process of refining rough amber is a little complicated. To obtain cut amber, one must feed rough amber to a gem cutter and making a gem cutter is where the complexity begins.
To make a gem cutter, one must have 20 marble slabs, 5 rough amber, 5 sand claws and 3 sand shells.
What are some of the uses of Cut Amber?
Cut amber is refined and processed into rough amber, which is used for various crafting recipes in the game. Cut amber is mostly used to make essence tables and totems. Essence tables are used to modify a player’s weaponry by adding certain essences, like those of damage, durability, health or luck, to them.
Totems are items that provide players with certain resistance and health buffs to gain an edge over other players. Cut ambers are also used to make rare axes, which can be further used to produce more cut amber.

Have you explored LEGO Fortnite? What do you think of this unique addition? Tell us in the comments section.