There lived a magician with his wig and flute who made the world diluted, amazed, and appreciated. Certainly, Messi lacks a wig and a flute, but he can make the magic happen on or off the pitch, with or without wearing a bisht.
When Argentina was crowned champion, Messi was seen putting on a bisht by the “Emir of Qatar,” as a symbol of royalty, wealth, chivalry, and wisdom, and it is believed to be the highest honor a man can achieve in Qatar or in the Arabic peninsula.
I'm probably in the minority here but I thought Lionel Messi wearing a bisht was a nice touch.
Bishts are given to Arab warriors after a victory in battle or to royalty…Messi just won the greatest battle of them all and confirmed himself as the king of football.
— Zach Lowy (@ZachLowy) December 19, 2022
Everything Lionel Messi does, and wears must be a focal point of attraction, and the same is true for the bisht, which national heroes can wear.
Ahmed Al Barwani, a member of Oman’s parliament and a lawyer, made Messi a lucrative offer to consider because he is strongly motivated to obtain the thing Messi wore during the final.
How alluring the offer was for Messi to consider?
Barwani is desperate for the robe, having offered one million dollars just to get his hands on it, and he intends to use it as a public display.
“From the Sultanate of Oman, I congratulate you for winning the World Cup Qatar 2022. he Arabic bisht, a symbol of chivalry and wisdom. I’m offering you a million dollars (£829,000) in return for that bisht. I was at the stadium watching that moment live when the Emir of Qatar gave Messi the bisht.”- Barwani said.
صديقي ميسي..
من #سلطنة_عمان أبارك لكم فوزكم بـ #كأس_العالم_قطر_2022أبهرني الأمير @TamimBinHamad وهو يُلبسك #البشت_العربي ،رمز الشهامة والحكمة.#ميسي
أعرض عليك مليون دولار أميركي نظير أن تعطيني ذلك #البشت#Messi𓃵
I'm offering you a million $ to give me that bisht@TeamMessi— أحـمَـد الـبـَروانـي (@AhmedSAlbarwani) December 20, 2022
“This moment told the world that we are here, and this is our culture, please know it well. It will be displayed to commemorate that moment of pride, and to help us relive it, and to also remind us that we can (do anything). This tournament was a source of pride and has highlighted important facts about how we didn’t forget about Palestine and that Arabs are one and united.”- he further added.
What will be Messi’s Verdict on this?
Well! It will be a matter of debate, and Messi has yet to say anything about it, and he will not want to lose the thing just because someone offered him a million dollars.

The bisht is a prized possession in Lionel Messi’s Museum, clearly an Arabian honor to the man symbolizing the highest praise.
Comment with your thoughts and what you would have done if you were Lionel Messi.