Miami Dolphin rookie Malcolm Perry donates plasma to help patients fighting coronavirus

Malcolm Perry is one of those Dolphins players who has recovered from coronavirus recently. After his recovery, he has donated convalescent plasma for people who are fighting this infectious virus. 

“I was surprised initially but was happy because I was presented with the opportunity to give back and donate plasma and help people in need,” Dolphin rookie said. “Being able to give back to people who weren’t fortunate enough to react the same way you did to the virus and give back to the community was important.”

Alongside Perry, Andrew Van Ginkel, the second-year linebacker also donated plasma aboard to the OneBlood Big Red Bus who tested Covid-19 positive earlier. 


So far almost 130 NFL players have been affected with Covid-19. NFLPA report suggests some of them tested positive during the offseason while others were the victim since the training camp started. 

The Dolphins have been encouraging people who have recovered and have been symptom-free for a minimum of two week to donate plasma through OneBlood. 

People who recover from the coronavirus tend to develop antibodies to the virus that remain in the plasma portion of their blood. The process involves plasma transfusing from a recovered Covid-19 patient into a patient who is still infected. Thus, it boosts their immune system of those fighting patients and helps them recover eventually.

Rafid Sobhan

97 articles

A professional sports article writer who is passionate about Sports, mostly about Soccer.


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