Pistons fans screaming “sell the team” after 25 straight defeats

The Detroit Pistons are having a tough patch in the NBA this season, and that too, a very long one. In Detroit, the frustration reached a boiling point as the Pistons suffered their 25th consecutive loss, echoing the haunting chants of “sell the team!” from the disgruntled home crowd.

The Detroit Pistons’ disheartening losing streak is closing in with the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Philadelphia 76ers for the NBA record of most consecutive losses.

Watch: Pistons fans chanting “sell the team” on court

The 119-111 defeat against the Utah Jazz on Thursday night not only prolonged the Pistons’ agonizing losing streak but also heightened the frustrations of fans donning paper bags with a bold plea to “sell the team.”

Despite a commendable effort from Cade Cunningham, who logged 39 minutes and showcased his skills with 28 points, 10 assists, and seven rebounds, the Pistons fell short once again.

Utah’s victory was propelled by the impressive performance of veteran Kelly Olynyk, who contributed 27 points, six assists, and three rebounds.

With six different Jazz players scoring in double figures, the game highlighted the stark contrast in fortunes between the two teams.

As the fans’ collective plea for a change in ownership reverberated through the arena, Cunningham remains optimistic, expressing a belief in the team’s ability to turn the tide and play a better brand of basketball.

When did the Pistons last win an NBA match?

Three consecutive losses snowballed into a seven-game slump, which further extended to 12 and eventually set a franchise record at 15. So on and so on.

The Detroit Pistons found themselves consistently faltering in the fourth quarters, plagued by alarming turnover rates that persisted from the opening moments through the middle and to the closing stages of each game.

It was akin to witnessing a “deer in the headlights” scenario embodied in human form. No one has answers because, well, they only know losing at this level.

The last cheer of victory from the Detroit fans was last echoed October 28, 2023, when they triumphed against the Chicago Bulls.

But ever since then, with each passing game, the rebuilding team finds itself caught in the headlights of relentless defeat, desperately seeking a turnaround that seems elusive in their current struggle.

How long will this losing streak of the Detroit Piston run? Let us know in the comments of what you think should be done so as to improve the Piston’s collapsing hopes of winning ever again!

SZ Desk

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