Roman Reigns Sets Sights on Both Undisputed and Heavyweight Championships

Roman Reigns couldn’t win the Royal Rumble, where he planned to win and go after the Undisputed Championship, which Cody Rhodes took from him at WrestleMania 40. But with the Elimination Chamber coming up, he might return and fight for a WrestleMania spot.

Reports say WWE’s creative team has other plans, but one thing is clear—Reigns doesn’t feel complete without a championship. The good news is that he has his eyes on both of WWE’s biggest titles right now.

Roman Reigns has won many WWE titles, but he hasn’t held the WWE World Heavyweight Championship yet. However, he seems ready to take on the challenge if given the chance.

When asked about it on the ‘No Contest Wrestling podcast’, Reigns said, “If we’re trying to lift the value, you know what waist it’s supposed to go on.” In WWE, every title has its own value, but when a legendary superstar holds it, the championship becomes even more important.

For example, when Brock Lesnar won the WWE Heavyweight Championship, it became one of the most respected titles in the company. Reigns believes the same would happen if he held the title. He understands his position in WWE and knows that the championship’s prestige would rise even higher with him as the champion.

Roman Reigns reveals the secret behind his motivation

Roman Reigns has been a top star in WWE for years, and he finally shared what keeps him going. In an interview on the ‘No-Contest Wrestling Podcast’, he said he always wants more and pushes himself to be better. 

He even called himself a “sick man” because he never feels satisfied. Even when he reaches a big goal, he sets another one, always aiming higher. The OTC said, “I’m always trying to get better… he Wiseman picks me up in the morning. ‘How you doing?’ I woke up. Everybody else is f***ed because I woke up. That’s how I look at it.”


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