UFC CEO Dana White reveals his difficult relationship with his parents, disclosing he had “no feelings” for them after their deaths

UFC president Dana White has made UFC the most successful combat sports company in the modern world. Lorenzo Fertitta and his older brother Frank Fertitta, along with White, acquired the UFC in 2001. Dana was appointed as the president of the UFC.

Behind almost every successful man, there lies a supportive family. However, for Dana White, that perhaps isn’t quite the case, as the UFC president revealed that he had a difficult relationship with his parents

Who are Dana White’s parents?

Dana White was born to Dana White Sr., his father, and June White, his mother. Both Dana White Sr. and June White resided in Manchester, Connecticut, where the future UFC president was also born. June White, Dana’s mother, apparently wasn’t very fond of her son, according to what she wrote in a book about him titled ‘Dana White: The King of MMA,’ which was published in the year 2011.

“It is difficult for me to see how, as the popularity of the UFC evolved, the person I once knew changed into someone who is egotistical, self-centered, arrogant, and cruel. Dana went from being a true friend, a good son, and a truly nice person to being a vindictive tyrant who lacks any feelings for how he treats others.” June White wrote in her book.

According to June, her son changed drastically with the evolution of the UFC from a near-bankrupt brand to the largest fight promotion in the world. June accused her son of turning into a ‘vindictive tyrant’ from the genuinely caring person he once used to be

Dana White sheds light on his relationship with his parents

In a recent interview to Piers Morgan, White revealed that he had a difficult relationship with his parents growing up. According to Dana, his parents taught him exactly what not to do as a parent and the UFC president doesn’t like to talk about them.

White revealed that his parents recently passed away. What followed was a question from Piers Morgan: ‘How did that make you feel?’ The UFC president replied that he’s okay with it and that he prefers to focus on his kids rather than dwell on the past. He said that he would try not to treat his kids the way his parents treated him and that he has put his relationship with his parents behind him.

When asked by Piers Morgan whether the passing of his parents made him feel sad, White replied instantly with a disturbing ‘No.’ Dana further explained that he also didn’t wish any ill will to either of his parents and further said that when his parents passed away, he didn’t have any feelings about it.

White also revealed that his father’s dying wish was to be buried alongside his family up in Maine. Dana, being the dutiful son of his father, did exactly that despite the relationship they had with each other.

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