Watch: Naked Florida man ‘stripping and assaulting people’ inside UFC Gym, subsequently tasered by Police

A few days ago the Miami police had to arrest a man who stripped naked at a UFC gym. The individual tried to assault other people who were working out and was also trying to rile up the crowd present at the gym. Subsequently, he had to be held back by gym members to stop him from attacking people working out. They had to throw the nudist out of the gym as he was not ready to stop wreaking havoc.

After a while footage of this unidentified nudist surfaced on social media and as per this clip, the person ran behind several people on the street and attempted many punches. Soon, the Miami police arrived at the scene and surprisingly had to use the Taser twice to put an end to his assault.

According to the report by the police, he was taking a boxing class at the UFC Gym in Midtown in Miami and suddenly he stripped down naked. Following his arrest, Miami Police spokesperson Kiara Delva spoke about the incident to NBC Miami. She explained the reason why the police had to tase the nudist and gave an update regarding the case.

“They gave him many commands to stop and comply in, which he completely disregarded. Our officer was forced to discharge his Taser, at which point, they were able to place him into custody.” The spokesperson also added,

“Completely 100 percent not acceptable. Detectives are still working in the case to determine at one point they can charge accordingly to his actions while he gets the mental evaluation he needs,”

There is not a lot of information available about whether the unidentified nudist is still held in custody or not. Luckily, none of the victims was seriously injured in this incident.

UFC Gym Assistant General Manager Ray Lopez explains the reason behind the naked man’s wild attack

After the bizarre video of a naked man attacking people at the UFC Gym became viral on the internet, the gym assistant General Manager Ray Lopez who was present during the incident described what went down in an interview with NBC Miami. Lopez said the staff members tried to cool the nudist boxer down but ultimately they had to throw him out as he was causing harm to people.


“The boxing coach said he was a little off, he wasn’t hitting the bag as usual. The member walked his way downstairs and he was just acting very bizarre. Gym staff tried to control the man, who kept fighting back. He was just becoming dangerous, so at that point, the coaches just picked him up and took him out, but I just hope he gets the mental help he needs to overcome this with whatever he’s going through.”

Hopefully, the person involved in this incident gets all the necessary help as said by the gym assistant manager. Besides, credit should be given to the staff members and the Miami police who didn’t allow things to escalate as the naked man tried to attack old people and bystanders on the road. This was probably the biggest reason why there were no casualties and every single victim came out unscathed.

Do let us know in the comments section your thoughts about this incident involving a young nudist attacking people randomly at the UFC Gym.


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