What exactly is the “Tush Push”? Examining the much-analyzed Eagles play

Tush Push is getting very famous in the NFL with many people loving this new play but at the same time, there are a whole lot of people against it. It is a signature play of the Philadelphia Eagles and now other NFL teams are also adopting it.

Tush Push is sometimes compared to a rugby play, but Jordan Mailata, an Eagles offensive tackle, disputes this comparison. During his recent interview, he called the rugby and Tush Push comparison “Bull***t.” 

Tush Push: explained

Tush Push, the signature play of the Eagles is a special type of move in which the quarterback lines up in the center on short-yardage downs. 

The QB is then pushed forward by teammates lined up behind him. The Eagles started using this play and it helped the team a lot. In the 2022 season, the Eagles ran this play 41 times, successfully converting 37 of those plays into first downs or touchdowns.

Tush Push
Via New York Post

After noticing this play a lot of people started calling it illegal but there are many supporters of this play who believe it shouldn’t be banned. Many other NFL teams also started doing Tush Push but no one could do it like the Eagles.

The Eagles have a very high success rate with this play, around 92%. Jalen Hurts, the quarterback of the team, plays a very crucial role in the success of this play. But the other NFL teams who have attempted this play have a very low success rate, around 81%.

Eagles fans have supported this play but other fandoms are against it as their teams couldn’t benefit from it.

Jordan Mailata rubbishes rugby comparison drawn from Tush Push

People have started comparing Tush Push to rugby because they believe that in both plays there is significant physical contact and pushing involved and in both cases the objective is to gain forward momentum. They believe this play is for rugby players and not for football. 

However, Jordan Mailata, the Eagles offensive tackle has called this comparison rubbish.

Tush Push
Via PhillyVoice

He played rugby before football therefore his comments hold weight. 

“I think it’s bull****. I think you’re doing a disservice to the sport and the players that play rugby. It’s got nothing to do with the pushes, it’s got something to do with the QB who can squat 600 pounds.”

Mailata finds this comparison disrespectful to rugby players. He emphasized that the success of the play is more about the strength and talent of the Eagles’ personnel rather than the play itself.

He’s true about it as no other team has been able to execute this play as successfully as the Eagles have done. There is no final decision made about Tush Push being banned in the future yet but at least for this season, the Eagles are going to get a lot of benefit from it.

Maheen Zaib

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Maheen is a writer for SportsZion. She's your go-to for all things NFL, from epic game highlights to trade scoops and breaking news. Navigating the sports scene with flair, join her on this thrilling journey through the NFL's wild ride. Let's score some great reads together!


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