Who is the 13-year-old Blue Scuti who became the first person to “beat” NES Tetris?

NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) Tetris is a video game created in 1989 by Alexey Pajitnov, a Soviet software engineer. Under the game there are arrays of shapes floating down a player’s screen with an object to keep the blocks from piling up. It is one of the most celebrated video games ever.

Almost everyone in the world has played this game. But most of us either didn’t have the patience to play further or the ability to fight the speedy falling blocks. No one had ever reached beyond level 29 of the game until recently. Here’s everything you need to know.

Who is the 13-year-old Blue Scuti?

Willis Gibson is a 13-year-old kid who is passionate about the NES Tetris video game. Willis aka Blue Scuti is from Oklahoma and has been playing Tetris competitively since 2021. His motivation to start with the game was when he first watched the game’s video on Youtube.

Blue Scuti has already won several regional tournaments. He has a goal now to win the Classic Tetris World Championship, in which he placed third overall in October.

13-year-old Blue Scuti became the first person to finish NES Tetris

Tetris a game of patience and accuracy. The blocks falling, takes its pace eventually and thus becomes hard to keep up. Blue Scuti, on December 21st, while sitting in his chair, playing the game was shocked to see what he had just accomplished.

His YouTube video had him making an ecstatic announcement, “Oh my god!” “I can’t feel my fingers” while relaxing back to his chair.

While he was playing, he had reached level 157, and suddenly the Tetris’s kill screen popped up signifying that the game had reached its finish and was unplayable reading a score of “999999”.

40 years since the game’s existence and this is the first time any gamer has been able to reach such level other than artificial intelligence. “I can’t feel my fingers” he exclaimed.

“This is unbelievable,” Vince Clemente, CEO of Classic Tetris World Championship, told Reuters. “Developers didn’t think anyone would ever make it that far and now the game has officially been beaten by a human being.” He broke the world record for the overall score, level achieved and total numbers of lines.

The game has unleashed new heights for all the other players of the world. It has resulted in not just a magnanimous fame for the kid but a new reaching ground for the world at large.

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