Why is Jimmy Kimmel threating to sue NFL icon Aaron Rodgers? Everything you need to know

Recently, Aaron Rodgers of the New York Jets was seen once again Pat McAfee Show, where he talked about some highly controversial topics like NFL Conspiracies, Referee Issues, & More. One such controversial topic was a part of their discussion was the “Eipstein List”. This is where things went a bit overboard. Aaron Rodgers said that he believe that among others, Jimmy Kimmel’s name would also be on that list.

Considering how serious the issue is, no one would like their names to be attached with such cases even to the slightest extent. Which is why, Jimmy Kimmel although being a comedian was in no mood to take this joke on himself. Jimmy has threatened to sue Aaron Rodgers in his latest tweet.

Why does Jimmy Kimmel want to sue Aaron Rodgers?

Jimmy Kimmel has previously made jokes about Aaron Rodgers and Eipstein List in his show back in March while commenting on a clip of Pat McAfee Show, but the issue got heated up again when Aaron Rodgers recently appeared on Pat McAfee Show. On the show, Rodgers said that “The Eipstein List is supposed to be coming out soon. There’s a lot of people, including Jimmy Kimmel are really hoping that doesn’t come out. I’ll tell you what, if that list comes out, I definitely will be popping some sort of bottle.” referring that he will be celebrating once the list is out.

Jimmy Kimmel got triggered on his mention in association with the Eipstein List. With his latest tweet, Jimmy threatened Rodgers to sue him. Jimmy said “Dear Aasshole: for the record, I’ve not met, flown with, visited, or had any contact whatsoever with Epstein, nor will you find my name on any ‘list’ other than the clearly-phony nonsense that soft-brained wackos like yourself can’t seem to distinguish from reality. Your reckless words put my family in danger. Keep it up and we will debate the facts further in court.”

Details on Jeffrey Epstein’s list

Jeffrey Epstein was an American financier who was involved in sex trafficking and procuring children for prostitution. Jeffrey Epstein died after he hanged himself in a jail cell in 2019. But the investigation of who all were involved with him is still going on, and after hundreds of sealed court filings, a list of more than 150 people who were connected to Jeffry Epstein is to be released soon, this list is termed as the “Epstein’s list”.

There are rumors that many big and prominent names such as Prince Andrew and former U.S. President Bill Clinton are also present in the list. The documents were ordered by US state Judge to be unsealed after 1st January, so we could expect them to be out anytime soon. Until the list is out, it’s too soon to say who would be on the list.

Do you think that Jimmy overreacted? Let us know in the comments.


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