WWE HOF breaks down CM Punk’s ‘I’m Home’ promo’s implications for fans

For the past 1 week, the entire wrestling world is talking about CM Punk. Punk made his most anticipated return to WWE at the recent Survivor Series pay per view event held at his hometown Chicago.

Punk also made his appearance on Monday Night Raw this week and addressed WWE fans with his return promo after a decade. Now, recently, a WWE Hall of Famer reacted to Punk’s promo after his return to WWE.

WWE Hall of Famer discusses CM Punk’s ‘I’m Home’ promo’s fan impacts

CM Punk made his presence to the WWE crowd in Chicago at the end of the Men’s Wargames match. WWE then officially confirmed that Punk will appear in the following Monday Night Raw. Punk said, “It looks like hell froze over. And when I mean hell froze over I mean this is me standing in a WWE ring on Monday Night Raw with a live microphone in my hand”. At the last punk added, “I’m Home”.

This promo went viral and almost everyone from wrestling industry shared their reaction. Now the two-time WWE World Heavyweight Champion and Hall of Famer Mark Henry appreciated Punk for his new path.

At a recent interview in Wrestling Inc Henry said, “I enjoyed the promo. I thought it was very informative. I thought it was real, and there were people that didn’t like the fact that he said ‘home.’ Let me remind y’all, they always say ‘home is where the heart is,’ so if his heart was there and his heart was broken, what do you do when your heart is broken? Scorched earth.”

He also shared, “I feel like he’s finally at a point to where he don’t have to go scorched earth… We want CM Punk to be fully invested and ready to go for pro wrestling and not any of the other foolishness. When you’re telling them that, you’re also telling them to be about the business. It’s like, ‘We have a boss, and you gotta do what it takes for business to run well.’ Punk is not going to be writing or producing the show, he’s a player in the game –  ‘So, you do your job. Play your role. And everybody makes a lot of money.”

CM Punk’s probable next move

WWE is reportedly planning Punk to get into a title run. So more probably Punk will feud with Seth Rollins and get a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. On the other hand the Tribal Chief Roman Reigns is also in plan as Punk’s rival.

The speculation is that Punk is poised to enter the Royal Rumble 2024, clinch victory, and set the stage for a major WWE championship pursuit. His potential target is Seth Rollins, who currently holds the WWE Heavyweight Championship.

CM Punk in WWE
via WWE

Punk’s possible return to WWE is a significant event for the wrestling industry, as he is widely regarded as one of the best performers and mic workers of his generation. His charisma, skills, and fan following could boost WWE’s ratings and popularity, as well as create compelling storylines and matches.

However, Punk’s return also comes with some risks, as he is known for being outspoken and unpredictable, which could cause backstage issues or conflicts with the management. Punk’s next move in WWE is something that fans will eagerly anticipate and watch closely.


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